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Previously in The Universe: Search begins Monday for Y's 'Belle,' ideal girl

In the January 12, 1962 Daily Universe a front page story by Linda Hunter described the proceedings of the Belle of the Y contest. The pageant-type contest held during the winter later morphed into the Miss BYU pageant, which commenced during Homecoming Week. The pageant was abolished by the Brigham Young University Student Association in 1988.

Y BELLE ACTIVITIES — Chairmen for judging activities are, from left, Joy Wilmoth, dancing; Sharon Thomas, cake; Bob Blattner, popularity; Shirleen Hendrix, sports; Mary Jo Allemen, culture; Sherry Louder and Lloyd Bush, dancing, and Joyce Tanner, crafts. (Susie Blakemore)

Y BELLE ACTIVITIES — Chairmen for judging activities are, from left, Joy Wilmoth, dancing; Sharon Thomas, cake; Bob Blattner, popularity; Shirleen Hendrix, sports; Mary Jo Allemen, culture; Sherry Louder and Lloyd Bush, dancing, and Joyce Tanner, crafts. (Susie Blakemore)
'Bella ad infinitum' — Beauty Everlasting — will be the theme of the search for the ideal girl at BYU, said Ken Skousen, Belle of the Y Week General Chairman.

The Belle of the Y typifies the ideal of womanhood, he added. She must have personality, inner beauty, talent, a cultural background and cooking and dancing ability.

CONTESTANTS will compete in seven areas during Belle of the Y week, Monday through Friday. Under a point system, a first second and third place winner will be chosen.

At the end of the week, the contestant accumulating the most points will become Belle of the Y, he said.

Design, flavor, texture, and crumb — these are the criterion which will be used in judging the cakes, not the contestants, he said.

MONDAY THE handicrafts, such as painting, upholstering and knitting, will also be judged.

Contestants will be judged one day in the sports contest. A new contest this year, on poise, balance and form as they perform on the trampoline or balance beam.

Wednesday, Belle of the Y contestants will be given a change to show off their dancing ability.

Talent and cultural background will be judged on Thursday. The cultural contest is new this year. Candidates will be asked questions on art, drama, literature, music and philosophy.

FRIDAY'S ASSEMBLY will feature the Belle of the Y finalists, those who have accumulated the most points during the weeks' contest. The student body will get their change in the choice of the Belle of the Y. Voting will be held Friday.