Fall Fest presents activities for all students - BYU Daily Universe Skip to main content
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Fall Fest presents activities for all students

BYUSA's annual Fall Fest took place in Brigham Square on Friday, Sept. 9. The event included a dance, comedy shows, live music and karaoke, among other things. (Ryan Turner)

Fall Fest was in full swing on Friday, Sept. 9, when BYUSA threw its first big party of the semester.

Some of the activities included a glow dance, karaoke, live comedy shows, live music performances, inflatables, a dating game, eating contests, spike ball, rock climbing, video games, dance instruction and a photo booth.

Event lead Ian Kahng said BYUSA planned many activities to appeal to a wide variety of students.

'One particular reason we have numerous activities is we want all students with different interests to come to this event,' Kahng said. 'As you can see, there is something for the extroverts and the introverts. It's a good time for every student here at BYU.'

Vice President of Y-Activities Tyler Kellis said Fall Fest was also a fun pre-tailgate to kick off for Saturday's Holy War against Utah, but overall, the goal was to get everyone excited for the school year and being a part of BYU.

Kellis said BYUSA measures the success of its activities by meeting helpful guidelines. For example, the programs are student-based events geared toward students' experience at BYU. The events are distinct so there are various activities for the different groups of students, instead of throwing several dances in a row. The activities provide a wholesome, safe and fun environment where students can feel comfortable.

Amber Flake, a biological science education major from Texas, danced the night away at Fall Fest. She said she enjoys making good memories and building better relationships with her friends.

'I honestly think that when BYUSA does these kind of activities, it gives us a chance to have good wholesome fun, meet great people, let loose, relax and enjoy ourselves in a clean, lively environment,' Flake said.

BYUSA has many more fun-filled activities to come. Homecoming week will take place Oct. 11-15, and will include the true blue foam event, dances, a barbecue, a parade and more. In November, BYUSA will build a student-choice event based on what students want and enjoy.