Solutions for Orientation Edition 2016


Here are the solutions to the Orientation Edition:

Page 1: Well + Comet – t + Two + Bee + Y + Ewe
Welcome to BYU

Page 6: Ice cream flavors
1. H-Earnestly Chocolate
2. C-Cherry Cordial
3. I-Rose’s Sneakerdoodle
4. L-Pralines and Carmel
5. K-Strawberry Sundae Crunch
6. J-Mint Brownie
7. E-Pistachio
8. F-Vanilla
9. A-Carmel Cashew
10. G-Marionberry
11. B-German Chocolate
12. D-Woosh Cecil

Page 10: Paint by highlighter pen

Page 12: Candy counter
1. J-English toffee
2. H-Coconut haystack
3. F-Mudpie
4. K-Heavenly hash
5. I-Chocolate covered cinnamon bears
6. E-Tuxedo
7. A-Cougar taffy
8. C-Sea foam
9. D-Jordan almonds
10. L-Pumpkin spice caramels
11. B-Mint truffles
12. G-Chocolate sea salt popcorn

Page 12: What buildings still exist?
1. Thomas L. Martin Building (MARB)
2. Joseph F. Smith Building (JFSB)
3. Life Sciences Building (LSB)
4. Wymount
5. George H. Brimhall Building (BRMB)
6. Joseph Smith Building (JSB)
7. Jesse Knight Building (JKB)
8. Harris Fine Arts Center (HFAC)

Page 16: Logo
D  is the correct “stretch Y”

Page 20: Dot-to-dot

Page 22 Ring Check
B has a wedding ring. The others don’t.

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