Acquisitions librarian Rebecca Schroeder encourages students be in tune with Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ at the University Devotional on May 10.
Acquisitions librarian Rebecca Schroeder encouraged students to be in tune with Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ in her devotional address on Tuesday, May 10, 2016.
Schroeder compared Heavenly Father’s character to a sound wave with a single frequency of a pure tone. Representing Jesus Christ would include a second sound wave with the same frequency. Simply stated, they are in tune with one another.
“What would happen if we were to add our own sound wave to that of our Heavenly Father’s?” asked Schroeder.
Schroeder reminded students they were one with Heavenly Father during pre-earth life, where they sustained and fought for his plan. “But just as there are many reasons musical instruments can get out of tune, many of our life choices can get us out of tune with our Heavenly Father,” Schroeder said.
Schroeder used examples from the Book of Mormon to illustrate four principles to help convert God’s children to the same wavelength as Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ.
First, Schroeder highlighted the principle in 3 Nephi 10:12 about '(receiving) the prophets and (stoning) them not.” Schroeder said students could follow this pattern today by “honoring them, standing by them, defending their good names, and striving to carry out their instructions.”
The second principle taught was avoiding contention. Schroeder contrasted the harmony experienced by Alma’s people with the contention of the Nephites. “The contention among the Nephites at this time divided them as a society, separated them from God, and caused adversity and misfortune in their lives,” Schroeder said.
Schroeder used words from Present Eyring to illustrate ways to prevent contention and become a peacemaker. The peacemaker is “the one who finds a way to help people see the truth they share,” Eyring said.
Schroeder’s third principle urged students to be humble and not prideful. To combat pride, she mentioned the power of having a broken heart and a contrite spirit.
“When we are humble, we can receive counsel and chastisement, be forgiving, and give selfless service. We can love God, submit our will to His, and put Him first in our lives,” Schroeder said.
In the last principle, Schroeder showed the importance of searching the scriptures, pondering, and praying. She stated the full benefit of the scriptures require all three activities.
“We cannot get to be in tune by merely asking, or simply reading, or just thinking about things. We need to combine all three and work at it.”
Schroeder concluded her devotional address by inviting students to consider changes they can make to be on the same wavelength with Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ.
“May we be like these righteous Nephites and heed the Savior’s commandant when he said ‘What manner of men ought ye to be? Verily I say unto you, even as I am.’”