Sister Bonnie L. Oscarson: Do I Believe? - BYU Daily Universe Skip to main content

Sister Bonnie L. Oscarson: Do I Believe?

Sister Bonnie L. Oscarson spoke of believing in the truth of the gospel during the Sunday morning session of the 186th Annual General Conference.

Sister Bonnie L. Oscarson (LDS Church)

Sister Bonnie L. Oscarson (LDS Church)

Sister Oscarson, the Young Women General President, shared a story of a young boy who was admitted to the hospital with pneumonia and fluid in his lungs. As his condition worsened, he was flown to a second hospital. During the flight, his mother, Michele, looked out across the Salt Lake Valley and saw three LDS temples nearby, with a fourth in the distance. She felt compelled to ask herself if she believed in the gospel or not.

'This defining moment for Michele confirmed to her that what she had been taught all of her life was more than just words; it is true,' Sister Oscarson said.

Sister Oscarson then outlined what members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints believe to be the word of God.

'We believe that, through a prophet and the power of God, we have received additional scriptures, adding to the testimony to that in the Bible in declaring that Jesus Christ is the Savior of the world,'  Sister Oscarson said.

However, she made a distinction between having a knowledge of the gospel and believing it.

'If these things are true, then we have the greatest message of hope and help that the world has ever known,' Sister Oscarson said. 'Believing them is a matter of eternal significance for us and for those we love.'

Sister Oscarson urged all to seek a change of heart in order to believe. Individuals can do this, she said, by searching the scriptures, keeping the commandments and serving others.

'True conversion is a process that takes place over a period of time and involves a willingness to exercise faith,' Sister Oscarson said.

She recounted the Book of Mormon account of Lehi's vision of the tree of life, and reminded members of the dangers of becoming complacent or listening to those who mock or ridicule the church.

'We need only to keep feasting and not heed those who would make fun of our beliefs or those who delight to create doubts or those who find fault with church leaders and doctrine,' Sister Oscarson said. 'It's a choice we make daily — to choose faith over doubt.'

Sister Oscarson concluded her talk with her own belief in the gospel.

'I testify that the blessings and peace the Lord has in store for those who are obedient and faithful exceed anything the human mind can comprehend,' Sister Oscarson said.

See a summary of The Daily Universe’s coverage of the April 2016 LDS General Conference.