2016 Rally for Addiction and Mental Health recovery to be held Tuesday


Utah Support Advocates or Recovery Awareness (USARA) and the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) are hosting the 2016 Rally for Addiction & Mental Health Recovery Tuesday at the Utah State Capitol in an effort to celebrate recovery and illicit change.

USARA and NAMI members gather at a rally to protest. These groups are currently look to raise substance abuse awareness. (Universe Photo)

According to the event’s Facebook page, the rally is open to the public and includes speakers such as Representative Steve Eliason from district 45.

It starts at 4pm with a “Walk to Remember” in which attendants are invited to meet at the South sidewalk of the Capitol building.

Following that walk, the Facebook page says that the “Rally for Recovery” will be held at 4:45pm in the Capitol Building Rotunda.

“Our goal is to impact the decisions about proposed Bills and funding cuts, and to raise awareness that every dollar spent on Substance Abuse Services has personal benefit to citizens of Utah in need of help,” the rally’s website says. “As we increase our advocacy efforts and this level of support we will continue to reduce the barriers that many people seeking help often face.”

Those who may be unable to attend in person are invited to share their stories through social media, with a link provided by USARA. For those who can attend, the address is 350 S State St, Salt Lake City, Utah 84114. The event is advertised to last from 4pm to 6pm.

“Join USARA, NAMI, and Utah’s Recovery Community as we raise awareness and promote understanding of mental health and substance use disorders, while we CELEBRATE the people who recover,” USARA and NAMI said.

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