Moscow exhibition free for women wearing high heels - BYU Daily Universe Skip to main content

Moscow exhibition free for women wearing high heels

This still frame made Thursday, Feb. 4, 2016 shows an episode from a music video clip by Russian rock band called Leningrad. The music video with over 33 million views online tells the story of a young woman going on a date with a man called Sergei to an art show of works by Vincent van Gogh, and has inspired Moscow art organizers to offer free admission to women who will turn up wearing high heels and 50 percent discount to men named Sergei, visiting their Moscow multimedia van Gogh art exhibition.(Photo via AP)

This still frame shows an episode from a music video clip by Russian rock band, Leningrad. The music video has inspired Moscow art organizers to offer free admission to women who will turn up wearing high heels and 50 percent discount to men named Sergei, visiting their Moscow multimedia van Gogh art exhibition. (Associated Press)

A music video with more than 33 million views online has inspired organizers of a Moscow art exhibit to offer free admission to women who turn up wearing high heels.

The video by Leningrad, one of Russia's most popular rock bands, tells the story of a young woman going on a date with a man called Sergei to a show of works by Vincent van Gogh.

Moscow's Art Play announced earlier this week that it will offer free admission to its multimedia van Gogh exhibition to women wearing high heels and give a 50 percent discount to any man whose name is Sergei.

Kira Marinina, deputy curator of the exhibition, said organizers decided that offering discounts in the current economic situation would offer an occasion 'to laugh at ourselves.'