Elder Allan F. Packer of the Quorum of the Seventy addressed students at the Jan. 12, 2016 devotional. He focused on trusting in the Lord in life's journey. (Natalie Bothwell)
Elder Allan F. Packer of the Quorum of the Seventy encouraged students to fully utilize mortality's 'quest of a lifetime' in the process of perfection at the Tuesday, Jan. 12, 2016 devotional.
Elder Packer encouraged students to tap into their divine potential and be a positive force against the rising opposition in today's world.
'You must gain the skills, convictions, courage, wisdom and confidence to help make a difference for yourself and others,' Elder Packer said.
He likened each person's 'royal heritage' to purpose - seeking literary characters such as Luke Skywalker and Harry Potter. He said these individuals were destined for incredible things.
'Being 'chosen' did not eliminate trials and tribulations,' Elder Packer said. 'They were important to develop character and skills needed to achieve ultimate destiny.'
Only with time and much perseverance did they learn who they truly were and what they were capable of according to Elder Packer. He then compared these literary figures to students and their lives.
'You were sent away from a royal court without memory of who you are or what your final role and responsibility will be,' Elder Packer said. 'Each of you are of royal birth and heritage; a son or daughter of your Heavenly Parents.'
He said everyone is destined to become a king or queen, to have a family and royal responsibility.
'God is the author of the plan to qualify you for this royal birthright,' Elder Packer said. 'The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is here to help us.'
He encouraged people to take full advantage of the spiritual tools available to chart their course in life's journey and experience deeper conversion.
'The gospel of Jesus Christ and 'the plan' are found in the scriptures, the words of the living prophets and through the Holy Ghost,' Elder Packer said. 'These are the reliable maps, guides and compass we need for life's journey.'
Elder Packer then compared the gospel to a connect-the dot diagram, with each dot representing a principle or teaching.
'In a connect-the-dot diagram, each dot holds a position needed for the creation of the image. If the dots are moved around or reordered, the image changes,' Elder Packer said. 'The resulting image will be distorted, obscured or not represent anything at all.'
He said the same is true with the principles of the gospel.
'God established each principle to achieve His work of bringing to pass the immortality and eternal life of man,' Elder Packer said.
An essential element in navigating through mortality is the ability to make decisions with trust in God according to Elder Packer. He exhorted those in the midst of crucial decisions to step forward and act with unwavering faith.
'Some people delay making important decisions waiting for perfect conditions. It could be waiting to find the 'perfect' companion, waiting until the outcome is guaranteed or until jobs or income are secure,' Elder Packer said. 'Some are afraid of making a mistake.'
Elder Packer added emphatically, 'The greatest mistake may be failing to act.'
Though every person can qualify for exaltation, he shared, each must earn their reward individually. He admonished all to assume responsibility to act in their journey towards eternal life. He said success does not come manufactured and neatly packaged on a shelf. Rather, it requires diligent effort and is worth every endeavor in the end.
Elder Packer left BYU students with the appropriate call to 'rise up' and discover their divine potential.
'God's plan and desire is that we all successfully reach our destination, ' Elder Packer said. 'Rise up and qualify for your heritage and destiny.'