Opinion Outpost: Nov. 17 - BYU Daily Universe Skip to main content
Opinion Outpost

Opinion Outpost: Nov. 17

The Opinion Outpost features opinions and commentary on the latest hot topics from national news sources. As much as you love hearing from The Universe, we thought you might like to hear from journalists around the nation.

Paris attacks

This isn’t just an attack on Paris, this is an attack on the civilized world.

Sadly, this tragedy reinforces that the battle against terrorism and extremism will not be fought only in the Middle East. The United States and Western nations are dealing with escalating security challenges that cannot be resolved through diplomacy.

It is imperative that we address these new dangers to our homeland by acting to reassess and strengthen our border security and engage with leaders throughout the world to address the ever-spreading threat of terrorism.

—Senator Dan Coats

Fox News

If anything, what the Paris attacks show is that the world needs America’s intelligence and security resources even more than its military might. The American intelligence community is the indispensable hub of global counterterrorism efforts, but the large numbers and geographic spread of the Islamic State mean that the United States must commit even more resources. Europe must step up and help build the basis for a deeper, more far-reaching collaboration.

— Steve Simon and Daniel Benjamin

The New York Times

The Paris attacks must become calls to action to end the wars that are tearing the Middle East apart and flooding the world with desperate refugees. They are yet more proof that we cannot live in peace at home while millions of people are engulfed in war.

—Harleen Gambhir

The Washington Post

It will not be easy for France to develop the means to identify the next such attack, but it must be done. For without question, the next attack in France is already being planned. And in two weeks time, the leaders of 195 nations will be arriving in Paris for the global environmental forum —the largest single gathering of world leaders in France’s history. How tempting a target would that be?

—David A. Andelman

USA Today

What can France do? ... One, break the isolation. Continue efforts already begun to redesign the urban landscape so that it encourages a sense of national belonging rather than a sense of exclusion. Cease the repeated efforts to stigmatize practicing Muslims with silly rules banning face coverings in public or preventing school officials from offering non-pork meal options to children.

… Second, recognize that mainstream Islamic teachers are part of the solution. Many have worked hard to build cultural associations and religious schools, where young people can learn a more complex and responsible idea of Islam … Whether they help in religious schools or as chaplains in the prisons, they need much more recognition and support from the French state.

—John R. Bowen

The Los Angeles Times

The message that must be sent to anyone who doubts it is that killing civilians for political motives is always wrong, whether the victims are Jewish, Muslim, Christian, or anything else. And it is also crucial to remember that to win an ideological battle we must not betray the ideology we support: unwavering respect for human rights and rule of law. … This points up what may be the most sobering truth of the Paris attacks: This war is nowhere near its end.

—Frida Ghitis


Ben Carson

The accumulation of exaggerations, fables and inventions is troubling — or would be if Carson were, in other ways, suitable for the presidency. He is not. He has no political or government experience, and his knowledge of foreign policy comes down to this: He has none. He is the most preposterous presidential candidate since Pat Paulsen, the comedian who ran at the urging of the Smothers Brothers. Paulsen would now be on the debate undercard — the political version of a lounge act.

— Richard Cohen

The Washington Post

Highly driven people like (Carson) are needed in business, science and many other pursuits. Their drive and different way of looking at things lead to important innovations. Public office is no different, but success in one of these fields doesn’t necessarily translate to success in politics, which requires its own skill set.

It’s entirely appropriate for journalists, competitors and voters to examine the record carefully and determine whether Ben Carson — and everyone else seeking the world’s most powerful position — tells the truth, makes decisions based on facts and has the right experience for the job.

—Editorial Board

USA Today

It’s not so uncommon to witness some surgeons who snap under pressure when the heat in the kitchen is turned up.

We can only hope that if a surgeon ever becomes president, he or she will be able keep his cool under stressful situations and listen to advice and suggestions, assimilating them into decisions.

The jury is still out as to whether Dr. Carson has what it takes to take the leap from the operating room to the Oval Office.

—Sreedhar Potarazu