Senioritis as explained by The Office


When you’re so done with this “learning” stuff

Your tolerance for certain types of people dips.

Still, you really start to see grades differently.

And you just want to go home and play with your toys.

But you have to go to school. So you do so in style.

You know how you look to those over-achievers.

You wish they’d just understand: all you want to do is eat,

Talk about your struggles,

Stay strong,

And give in to your feelings for a second.

Or two.

Mostly, it’s hard to care about some things with the end so near in sight.

People say you can be whoever you want to be in life,

But sometimes that’s confusing.

And that confusion is maddening

And scary.

Despite all the drudgery, you know you’re responsible.

You’re ready for the unexpected.

So get ready.

Stay pumped.

Because no matter how hard these last few months are, you’re headed for great things.

You’ll always have someone who cares about you.

And hopefully someone to take Christmas card (or graduation!) pictures with you.

Or on your own. Let’s be real: you deserve it.

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