Chauffeurs drive battery operated cars to ferry delegates during October's India-Africa Summit in New Delhi. Edward Luce will discuss the modernization of India at the Book of the Semester Event on Nov. 11th. (Associated Press)
The Kennedy Center Book of the Semester Event will be held on Wednesday, Nov. 11 at noon in the HBLL auditorium. This semester’s book is Edward Luce’s In Spite of the Gods: The Rise of Modern India.
“This event helps students make the world their campus by becoming involved in international topics and discussions,” said Kaelynn Priest, a pre-management major who works as an event coordinator at the Kennedy Center. “It’s a great opportunity to expand your world by reading something that isn’t required.”
The event coordinator said Luce will speak about his book at the event.
“Luce will discuss the economic changes that are taking place in India,” Priest said. “India is becoming an important political and economic actor even as it maintains an ‘intensely religious, spiritual, and in some ways, superstitious society,’ according to Luce,” Priest said.
The Kennedy Center has chosen a Book of the Semester since 2007.
“The Executive Committee receives book suggestions from our faculty coordinators as well as other faculty, students and staff across campus,” Priest said. “We try to address a range of topics, disciplines and parts of the world with a notable author.”
Students can learn additional information by visiting the Kennedy Center's Book of the Semester page.