Nick Vujicic didn’t walk on stage; he was carried by another man. But life without limbs doesn’t stop him from being a world renowned motivational speaker, best-selling author, and pastor. As he was placed on a table in the Grand Ballroom inside Salt Lake’s Grand America hotel, the crowd could not remain sitting as they exploded with applause.
During the Tuesday evening plenary of the World Congress of Families, Vujicic spoke on the value of human life, providing a message of hope that he believes can change the world. He believes that he can save lives because God has a plan for him.

Nick Vujicic speaks at World Congress of Families in Salt Lake City. He focused on the value of every human life. (Megan Bahr)
Vujicic was born with Tetra-amelia syndrome which is a disorder characterized by the absence of all four limbs. He spent many years wondering why he was born without arms or legs until he felt prompted by God to read the gospel of John 9 in the Bible.
It tells of a man who was born blind and was miraculously healed by Jesus Christ. Vujicic could see a parallel between the blind man and his own life. He saw how the blind man's life was to show the works of God to other people (verse 3). Vujicic then gave his life to Jesus at the age of 15.
Since that day, he's started an evangelical ministry called Life Without Limbs, and has spoken to more than three million people in dozens of countries all over the world.
He hopes to spread the message about human value and how every person can be a change for good.
'I believe change comes from people that have a vision, but see compassion, and get courage to implement the vision,' Vujicic said.
In his speech, Vujicic started off speaking about teenagers and their struggles with trying to fit in, hurting from bullying and attempting suicide. He believes that the bullying and gossip has become a world-wide epidemic and it needs to stop.
“Every single human being matters,” Vujicic emphasized. “God can use you.”
Vujicic understands that there are people in this world that would rather tear others down. He understands that the world wishes to tell people differently.
'When the world says you're not good enough, get a second opinion,' Vujicic said.
As a husband and father of two young sons, he has drawn strength from the belief his wife has in what he's doing. When contacted about speaking at the World Congress, Vujicic to do so without pay, he said, because he believes in the importance of the family.
“I love my wife more than the ministry that God has given me,” Vujicic said. 'And I really love my ministry.'
He said the evidence of a functional home is exhibited for children when spouses exhibit their love for each other.
Vujicic admitted that he is excited to to go to heaven so he can have arms and legs to hug his wife and kids for the first time. “We are not meant to be here forever, we are citizens of heaven just passing through,” he said.
To the crowd’s enjoyment, he described how his son gives him 'high fives' on his shoulder and sometimes even on his face.
Though he gets many thousands of invitations to speak in various parts of the world, he said, “woe is me,” if he if he accepts all of those invites but is never home with his kids.
“When you look at the value of everyone, keep on praying first for your family,” he said.
His belief that every life matters is rooted in his faith in Jesus Christ and believing that every human being is a child of God who can receive the blessings, strength, grace and mercy God wishes to give them.
Vujicic said everyone can know their purpose in their life by knowing God. This relationship with God helps each person become a productive member of society, with kindness, compassion and a vision to make a difference in the world. It doesn't matter the difference between one individual to another - their value is the same. Their importance is the same. It should not determine or alter the acts of kindness, compassion and vision.
As a pastor, Vujicic read from the Bible and spoke with a vibrating voice that generated “amens” from the audience. He was not short on facial expressions as he moved back and forth on the table that raised him above the stage floor.
He was passionate, and he practically begged the audience not to forget what each learns at the conference -- but to go out and get involved with the coumunity.
'You're an ambassador of the King of kings and Lord of lords,' Vujicic said. 'In that do something, that others may know that God has more for them than they can see. God has exceedingly and abundantly more than you could ever ask, imagine or attain...will we be the light and not just talk about the darkness? I will and I hope you do, too.'