Elder Randall K. Bennett of the Quorum of the Seventy taught how a loss of faith and hope is the result when members perceive a gap between their current state and their potential to become like God.
Elder Bennett spoke in the priesthood session of the October 2015 General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Elder Bennett reassured members by reminding them that while no unclean thing can enter the presence of God, Saints are not alone in the daily struggle to return to heaven.
“We have heaven’s help because of Jesus Christ and his Atonement,' he said. 'The Savior said, ‘If ye will have faith in me … ye shall have power … to do … whatsoever thing … is expedient in me.''
The member of the Seventy gave three principles to help members of the church as they begin their journey back to Heavenly Father.
“The Savior taught that to inherit the kingdom of God, we must become as a little child. So, spiritually speaking, the first principle is that we need to do what we did as little children,” he said.
The second principle Elder Bennett taught was illustrated in a story.
Yuri, a Russian Latter-day Saint, found the love of his life, Mariya, also a member of the church. On a train ride to the temple, they both felt prompted to share the gospel with each other.
The two Saints fell in love after seeing a copy of the Book of Mormon in each others' hands and as they shared their experiences together on the train.
“The emphasis here is not just on a couple's willingness to act in faith. It’s also about a second principle — the Lord more than matches our willingness to act in faith. Our willingness to take a step is not just met — it is exceeded — by his promised blessings,” Elder Bennett said.
The member of the Seventy challenged members to attend church regularly and be worthy to participate in the Sacrament ordinance because they are essential signposts that bring strength to members of the church in their journey to God.
Elder Bennett’s third principle encouraged members of the church to counter natural man tendencies and not to give up.
“As we progress along the covenant path, we will make mistakes, some multiple times. Some of us struggle with behaviors and addictions we feel powerless to overcome. But faith in Heavenly Father and in Jesus Christ is a principle of action and power,” he said.
'If we are willing to act, we will be given the strength to repent and change.”