Glenn Rowley has a man bun and attends BYU. BYU-Idaho recently banned man buns, claiming that they are too extreme of a hairstyle. (Glenn Rowley)
BYU Idaho no longer allows man buns. It's now considered an 'extreme hairstyle,' which is not compliant with BYU-Idaho's Honor Code.
The Honor Code for BYU-Idaho and BYU state that men and women's hairstyles should be 'clean and neat, avoiding extremes in styles or colors.' With BYU-Idaho's recent decision, students may wonder if man buns will be banned at BYU as well.
Glenn Rowley is another BYU student that has a man bun. He has had the man bun for the past year and not had any problems with it, even in the testing center. 'I am kind of opposed to anything that restricts any type of freedom of expression,' Rowley said. 'It is just my hair.'
Junior John Sherman said he's a fan of long hair and 'real man buns,' but smaller top knots are another story.
'I think the little top knots are pretty atrocious actually,' Sherman said. 'As for the rules, I'm always an advocate for less of them. People should be able to express themselves and the top knots aren't even a very extreme thing anyway.'
Comments on BYU student Glenn Rowley's Instagram post complimented his man bun. (Glenn Rowley)
Skip Carlson is studying economics at BYU and has long enough hair to wear a man bun. 'I like rocking the long hair,' Carlson said. 'Man buns are just easy. It is easier to throw your hair up in a bun and put a hat on.'
However, BYU-Provo student Liz Sugihara disagrees. 'Man buns are not flattering,' Sugihara said. 'I think it can make the person look scruffy and unkempt. I don't think a man bun is compliant with the Honor Code.'
Though Sugihara doesn't like man buns, she doesn't think they need to be banned in Provo just because Idaho made the decision. 'BYU-Idaho has a lot of rules BYU-Provo doesn't,' Sugihara said.
Carlson isn't surprised man buns are banned at BYU-Idaho. He said it sounds consistent with the other BYU-Idaho guidelines.
Students will no longer see man buns at BYU-Idaho, but men at BYU-Provo still may wear their hair high on their heads.
Recent studies have also shown that the man bun may lead to baldness, which is bad news for all the women who love the man bun.