BYU has now changed its parking policy for students, who can purchase a pass for $60. (Maddi Dayton)
BYU's parking policy has changed as of Aug. 25, and here's the lowdown of what students need to know:
—Students can purchase parking permits for $60 each semester during fall and winter. Spring and summer terms are free, but vehicles must still be registered during these semesters.
—Students may register up to two vehicles, and employees can register three vehicles. However, only one vehicle can be parked at BYU at a time. Any additional vehicles that are parked and registered to the same person will be ticketed.
—Married couples should register their vehicles separately, with each vehicle requiring a $60 permit.
—Students living in Helaman and Heritage Halls will not be permitted to purchase either 'Y' or 'G' permits because of their proximity to campus. However, they will be provided with complimentary parking spots where they live.
—Residents in Wymount and Wyview will be given complimentary 'Y' lot parking privileges.
—All students with registered vehicles are permitted to park in 'U' lots.
—Motorcycles must be registered, but permits are not required.
The parking permits are helping to fund the free shuttle that will be available starting this Fall Semester, according to Lt. Arnold Lemmon, the public information officer for the BYU Police Department.
'As I understand it, the fee that is being paid for parking services is going to support the shuttle services,' Lemmon said. 'There is encouragement to use the shuttle service.'
The shuttle will provide five free routes throughout the day from various off-campus locations to the Wilkinson Student Center.
There has been a lot of positive feedback on social media regarding the changes. BYU students have turned to outlets such as Twitter and Facebook to give their input on the new policies.
'I know some people are probably ticked but the new BYU shuttle is literally going to save my life ...' tweeted student Ashley Vanyperen.
However, the shuttle service is not ideal for all students. Cora Newman, a senior at BYU, is choosing to take a class online rather than paying $60 to park on campus only a couple times a week. She lives in Orem and commutes to BYU.
'I'm glad I have the option to take the class online so I don't have to pay $60 for taking one or two classes on campus,' Newman said.
Newman also raised concerns about safety and the timing of the shuttle. Newman works on campus later than the shuttle stays in service.
'I often work past when the shuttles stop running,' Newman said. 'So if I choose not to pay then I have to walk further away in the dark to my car? It seems like a safety issue as well.'
The shuttle runs from about 7:30 a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday through Friday. It also does grocery runs on Saturdays for students. The shuttle service is free to all students with a BYU ID.
Although some students are against the newly instated parking fees, BYU is not alone in charging for parking. The University of Utah sells annual permits for $220. Utah State University students can buy annual passes for either $39 or $110, depending on the lot, or $65 a semester. Utah Valley University has permits priced at $90 per year.
Students can register their vehicles and purchase permits online at myBYU under the 'Miscellaneous' tab or at the parking office in Room 2120 in the Knight Building.