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McKay Blatter, Neuroscience, Clayton, California

McKay Blatter said his most brutal test experience was with a calculus class he took as a freshman. He gave this advice to students taking the same class: 'Just live at the math lab; that's what helped me,' Blatter said. Blatter recommended that students prepare for exams by having a disciplined schedule. 'Have a steady sleep schedule, eat a lot,' Blatter said. 'Be ready to sacrifice fun.' Blatter added that 'learning to love what you learn' is a good way to get through finals.

Ari Davis

Sami Edgar, Family studies, Bountiful

Sami Edgar said she always prays before finals. Edgar also thoroughly prepares for her exams but doesn't study in the library because she feels she studies better in her apartment. 'Basically I just allot time where I can focus on one test a time,' Edgar said. She added that she will schedule when she takes each test ahead of time. She survived a physical science final that required her to be in the JSB for four hours. 'I didn't even have a desk. It ended up fine; I got an A in the class,' Edgar said.

Ari Davis

Connor Edgar, Political science, Bountiful

Connor Edgar took a brutal test for a civil engineering class. 'The test was only three questions,' Edgar said. 'That was intense because it was a timed, three-hour test. After two and a half hours I was so done.' Edgar mentioned that he always checks to see which finals are in the Testing Center and which are in the RB in preparation for finals. He also said he buys specific foods to help with the studying. 'I go grocery shopping to get certain snacks like Goldfish and Red Vines,' Edgar said.