Can you keep up at the Candy Counter? - From Page 4
- H
- F
- G
- D
- A
- C
- B
- E
Know your Creamery ice cream - From Page 10
- A. Cherry Cordial
- B. Graham canyon
- C. Marionberry
- D. Cookies and cream
- E. Whoosh Cecil
- F. Chocolate Fudge Mouse
- G. Vanilla
- H. Mint Brownie
- I. Pralines and caramel
Which Y is correct? - From Page 14
The correct logo is D.
Connect the dots - From Page 14

Which building still exists? - From Page 14
Bonus question: The John A. Widtsoe Building

Out of the mouth of Cougars - From Page 20
I hate the dating game
My missionary hasn’t written back yet
Leggings are not pants
We need to have a DTR
I forgot to pray
I met him on Tinder
Remember who you are
She’s a 10 cow woman
Let’s hike the Y
Want to go to devotional
What are you majoring in
That’s against the honor code
Letter to the Editor mad lib - From Page 20
I am to discover the lack of at BYU. Let me explain. As I was walking on , I discovered two large trucks on the . When I asked the drivers to , they told me I needed more . , is what makes our campus and . This was a .
Match buildings to their abbreviations - From Page 23
- K
- O
- H
- A
- P
- J
- C
- B
- D
- L
- G
- N
- F
- E
- I
- M
Bonus: Hinckley Center (June 23, 2007), Spencer W. Kimball Tower (March 1982), J. Willard Marriott Center (February 1973)
Ring check - From Page 26
The married woman is B.
Well-known BYU quarterbacks - From Page 27

Popular BYU athletes you should know - From Page 29
- AshleyHatch
- AlexaGray
- JimmerFredette
- LexiEaton
- TylerHaws
- JillVanMierlo
- TaylorSander
- JuanCanales
- MckennaBull
- AnnaRichey
- TylerHeap
- SteveYoung
- TaysomHill
Maze Solution - From Page 28