Provo Bike Prom a success


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Clouds loomed over Provo on Friday evening with the threat of possible showers. Luckily for the bikers and event staff at Provo’s Bike Prom, the clouds cleared for a perfect evening of fun and exercise.

Hosted by Provo City and sponsored by the family-owned bike store Mad Dog Cycles, Provo Bike Prom was a celebration of National Bike week. The event invited interested individuals to grab a bike, decorate it, ride a designated route through Provo and enjoy company and friends. Guests were also encouraged to dress up in formal attire because it was prom.

“This is our first time doing the Provo Bike Prom,” said Bria Parra, one of the guests. Parra and her husband, Bryan, had a lot of fun preparing for the bike prom. “Creating the bikes was really fun. It took a long time though,” Bryan Parra said. “It took a couple of days.”

The Parras were just one of the many couples in attendance. From long-married couples to newlyweds, and from daddies and their daughters to people with their pets, a large crowd gathered at Kiwanis Park for the kickoff. One group of men even admitted that they were at the event to “troll” their roommate, who was on a date at the time.

Many in attendance dressed the part. Some even dressed up as superheros. Jackson Law and his friend Noemi Morales both were dressed in prom-worthy attire. Law, who was wearing a black bow tie and a red suit said that he got the suit he was wearing at a thrift store in 8th grade and was happy it still fit him. Others opted to wear casual or athletic attire. Regardless of dress, people were prepared to mount up and enjoy the evening.

As groups of people continued to show up, the police escorts prepared to lead the prom-goers on their ride. According to Google Maps, the path that the attendees rode was approximately seven miles and estimated to take 37 minutes. With Kiwanis Park as their starting point, riders cruised along side streets until they emerged onto 900 East heading South. The mass of bikers looked like a parade as they rode down the street. Turning right onto 600 South, the parade of guests rode along the tracks and bypassed most traffic. Eventually the group of bikers made it to their destination at the Provo Recreation Center with little difficulties, where the festivities continued for those that wanted to attend a dance and desserts.

“It was great, I’m glad it went on for so long. It was kind of a long ride.” said Rachel Hall, who recently moved to Utah from Montana. “It was fun, there were a lot of people, I think it was a success.”

For any other information on future events hosted by the Provo Recreation Center  visit their events page at: Check out pictures posted on Twitter and Instagram by the prom bikers with the search #weareprovo.


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