This year's graduates: Stats on class of 2015 - BYU Daily Universe Skip to main content

This year's graduates: Stats on class of 2015

The graduates who receive degrees this April cover all 50 states and scatter the academic spectrum, and roughly half are married, according to data from the BYU Office of the Registrar.

Five thousand four bachelor's degrees and 877 graduate degrees will be awarded to April 2015 and December 2014 graduates; 55.9 percent of graduates are men, and 44.1 percent are women. The discrepancy may be linked in part to the missionary age change.

Chris Bunker

Fernando V. Camilo teaches a class in the Clyde Building. The graduates of April 2015 and December 2014 have now taken the final classes of their undergraduate experience. (Chris Bunker)

All 50 states, six territories and 63 foreign countries are represented.

A majority of December 2014 graduates (55.7 percent) are married; 43.38 percent of men are single; and 45.25 percent of women are single. For April 2015 graduates, 42.97 percent are married; 45.54 percent of male graduates are single; and 55.65 percent of female graduates are single. The combined percentage of married students is 51.68 percent.

Latter-day Saints represent 99.26 percent of December and April graduates. The average GPA for all students was 3.44.

For April graduates, the top home state was Utah, at 1,376 graduates; followed by California, with 504 graduates; Idaho, with 217; and Washington, with 213. The top home country among foreign states was Canada, with 25; followed by South Korea, with 19; and Mexico, with 18. A total of 249 April graduates are from foreign countries.

April graduates will receive 2,591 Bachelor of Science degrees (1,522 will go to men), 809 Bachelor of Arts degrees (women will receive a slight majority at 411) and 64 Bachelor of Fine Arts degrees (35 will go to women). April's graduates will receive 530 master's degrees, and 352 of these will go to men. A total of 135 doctorates will be awarded, with men receiving 89.

Of the April graduates, 20.18 percent come from The College of Life Sciences; 18.18 percent come from the College of Family, Home and Social Sciences, and 17.36 percent graduate from the Marriott School of Management. The smallest group of graduates — 1.66 percent — comes from the College of Nursing. The biggest gender gaps are in nursing — as only two men out of 59 will graduate with nursing degrees — and engineering — 32 women out of 378 total engineering students.