New format and layout of BYU's MyMap. (Screenshot)
BYU's MyMap registration interface received a new online look this month, which helps students better navigate the website.
BYU's Administration and Registration Offices collaborated with BYUSA to modify MyMap, making it easier and more beneficial for students.
The redesign was based on feedback from students. The changes to MyMap include a new look and feel, guest access, a link to 'My Booklist' provided by the BYU Store and quick links to search for classes by day, time, instructor and credit hours.
BYUSA's involvement with the project included providing student feedback to administration. BYUSA officers conducted initial research studies and focus groups about student perception and ideas for improving MyMap.
BYUSA President Brandon Sookhoo said the redesign of MyMap has been needed for many years. He said BYUSA stepped in and provided information about things students wanted to see improved.
'The administration took the lead, funding the teams to design it, but they valued our opinions and our involvement, which we appreciated,' Sookhoo said.
Over the course of a year BYUSA tested prototypes that the Registrar's Office design team created. 'The timing (of the reveal) was unfortunate,' Sookhoo said. 'The original plan was to roll out last August, but for one reason or another it kept getting pushed back.'
Sookhoo said the new layout was the best they could do. He said the new MyMap is still not perfect and said students should expect improvements over the next year.
'We talked a lot about features that students wanted,' he said. 'One was class registration search filters — if you want to distinguish what type of class you want and what time of day or certain number of credits.'
Another new feature added to MyMap is guest access. This feature was designed for students serving LDS missions.
'The norm has been mission presidents giving time to missionaries to sign up and register, because relatives didn't have permission. The big change now is that parents and siblings can get on for missionaries while they serve,' Sookhoo said.
He said he hopes MyMap keeps improving. 'We are just anxious for students to try it out, and we hope it is beneficial for them,' said Sookhoo.
Sophomore Maddy Washburn was surprised to see a new format. She said it was straightforward and helpful.
'It looks very clean and professional,' she said. Washburn said she didn't have much time to explore the new MyMap, but she liked the look of the layout.
Zach Pinter, vice president of BYUSA Communications, said this change occurred on campus, because BYUSA heard what students wanted and worked to make it happen. 'I think the most important thing for students to realize is that students said they wanted this change and BYUSA acted on that feedback,' he said.
Evaluations for the new MyMap will commence once the registration period ends. Visit http://registrar.byu.edu/registrar/mymap/ to see the new MyMap.