Members of BYUSA's Service Squad prepare to paint. The Squad meets twice a month and encourages students to make service fun. (Zach Pinter)
BYUSA's Service Squad visited an off-campus apartment complex Wednesday, March 25 to help students with spring cleaning.
BYUSA's executive director, Drew Hooper, said the Service Squad is a group of students campus wide that meets twice a month to go out and provide service to others.
Hooper is a sophomore studying business management and said being part of the Squad has helped him remember why service is fun and how it has benefited his experience at BYU.
'It gives you the opportunity to better connect with students and better appreciate the environment that BYU has and the students that come here,' Hooper said.
Hopper said he enjoys the experience of giving back and gaining new friends. 'I love going and meeting new people, and BYU is one of the best places to do that. Every time I go out with any Service Squad or group I meet new people,' he said.
The Service Squad meets twice a month to participate in the creative service activities planned by the committee. 'With Service Squad we have come up with creative ideas to serve,' Hooper said.

Members of BYUSA's Service Squad meet in the Wilkinson Student Center. (Zach Pinter)
Reflecting on past service experiences Hooper talked about reverse trick-o-treating, where the Squad knocked on doors and handed out candy. 'It was fun seeing people light up or be hesitant when we threw candy in their door,' he said.
One of the more meaningful service opportunities Hooper participated in was Christmas caroling at students' apartments. 'It was actually pretty cool, because that doesn't happen to often at students' apartments,' Hooper said.
Hooper said after caroling they served hot chocolate for participating students and invited people from the apartment complex. He said about 30 people gathered together to enjoy each other's company.
'It was cool to see that we created a little environment where people could be more friendly. That came as a result of students that just wanted to serve,' Hooper said.
Zach Pinter, vice president of BYUSA Communications, said students don't have to be a part of BYUSA to join. Pinter said students taxed for time can come whenever they want, whether once every two weeks or once a month.
'This is a perfect opportunity to give back to the university and students on campus. Service Squad is a really good opportunity to just be involved in simple service that has a big impact on other people,' Pinter said.