BYU Women's Business Club at Major Shopping Event last year
The Marriott School and the BYUWomen's Business Clubwill hold their fourth annual Major Shopping Event on March 19 in the Tanner Building.
The event will focus on the specific opportunities for women in business. It will give female students who are interested or have thought about business an opportunity to learn what majors are offered through the business school.
Director of Women's Initiatives and Mentoring Janice Taylor said many students who have attended this event in the past have told her how this event changed their entire perspectives at school, which in turn changed their futures.
“I’ve talked to numerous students that have told me they weren’t sure what they wanted to major in, but the Major Shopping Event helped them open their minds and their hearts to opportunities available in business,' Taylor said.
Taylor also said this event has given students opportunities to work with large companies. These opportunities have allowed student to participate in internships that eventually led to full-time jobs.
'Business is a good fit for women. With business you can have remote hours, have part-time work and still work a salary to support the family. A business degree can give you so much opportunities in that way,' she said.
Taylor said the theme of the night is 'Learn how your passion can work for you.' The keynote speaker will be Megan Faulkner Brown, founder ofSweet Tooth Fairyand a mother of four. Taylor said Brown is a great example of having a passion and making a successful career out of it.
'Megan was passionate about baking, and now she has an extremely successful business. It's a really good fit to show the students that if you are interested in something, whether it be baking or dancing, you can learn to make that into a business and become successful,' Taylor said.
For BYU student Makenna Rowley, attending the Major Shopping Event four years ago impacted her life forever. 'This event was actually what made me decide to go into business. It impacted my education, and now I am graduating in business because of it,' Rowley said.
Rowley and fellow business student Breanna Bowden have been helping to organize the event for the past two years.
'I loved being involved. This event has allowed me to get to know more people that are passionate about what I am passionate about,' Rowley said.
Bowden said she loves being able to give back and to share her opportunitiesto help students who are also looking for things that she was looking for in life.
Both students said there are about 275 women in the Women's Business Club and about 400 students registered to attend the major shopping night, exceeding the event's expected attendance.
This event is designed for all female students to come and explore what the business school has to offer.
'If you don't know what to do in your life, or maybe you have things you want to accomplish in your life, then I would say doing business allows for freedom and job security. It allows you to write and have a skill set you can build upon. You go in learning things and come out with actual value. It is a really good investment,' Bowden said.
The event is free for all those who wish to attend. Dinner will be provided, along with many free prizes and 'swag.' Students can register to attend this eventonline.