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Weekly Hashtags: #LostAndFoundBYU

The latest version of Cinderella comes to theaters this Friday, and it's a safe bet that she'll lose her glass slipper again.

Many of us at BYU don't lose a shoe and find a prince, but we still tend to lose things frequently. The main lost and found office is located in the basement of the Wilk and many buildings have their own designated locations for lost items.

Have you ever lost something important on campus, only to have it turn up years later? Have you ever found someone's umbrella and then ended up married to them (á la Ted Mosby)? Share your best lost and found stories with us on Twitter and Instagram using #lostandfoundbyu.

'I lost my camera in 2011. Four years later I get home from my mission and see that someone had found the camera in my old apartment and posted the pics on FB in order to find the owner #lostandfoundbyu'
