The Church Educational System is organizing three one-week BYU-sponsored camps to teach teens the life principles in Sean Covey's book, 'The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teenagers.'

This banner photo will be used in promotions for the new teen summer camp that will start in the summer of 2014 on campus.
The inspiration came from a course offered by BYU Human Resources on Stephen Covey's seven effective habits, which CES Program Administrator Sharon Meyers attended.
'I kind of got reconverted to the power of principle,' Meyers said.
Meyers discovered that Franklin Covey offered a youth program teaching Sean Covey's seven habits of highly effective teens. This program is a less expensive alternative to the Stephen Covey program for highly effective adults.
Meyer's recalls a coworker who once spoke about why BYU camps are so important. 'All people who can afford to want to send their kids to BYU camps,' the coworker told her. 'It's the thing to do.'
The program, which will be called Habits for Life, will occur during the first two weeks of June and a third session will be held during the first week of August.
According to Meyers, the camp will be structured identical to EFY with an equal ratio of boys and girls from 14 to 18 years old as well as two counselors for every group.
The idea for the program is that it is not a LDS camp for members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, but rather a camp for any young man or young woman to learn important life skills.
BYU on-campus housing coordinator Kyle Yetter wasn't worried about the influx of extra people during the summer. 'We host 30,000 conference guests each summer. We have anywhere from two to 15 groups staying on campus during a given week,' said Yetter. 'Habits for Life is just another one of those groups.'
According to the press release that was issued there will only be about 10 hours of classroom time. The rest of the week will be dedicated to real-life application of the principles learned in the camp.
Students who are interested in applying for a job at the camp will be able to do so at their website