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Tenth annual Utah Fire Caucus luncheon Slideshow

Story and photos by Aaron Butler

SALT LAKE CITY -- Firefighters from all across the state gathered together at the Capitol on Friday afternoon, Feb. 7, to meet with legislators at the annual Utah Fire Caucus luncheon. What began as a small breakfast eleven years ago, is today a well-catered and very well-attended luncheon, with many of the legislators attending as guests.

Attendees representing members of the caucus ranged from battalion chiefs, to engine drivers, even a rescue dog.

The luncheon was established by the Utah Joint Council of Fire Service Organizations with the intention of giving the legislators a chance to lend an ear to the brave men who protect the people of Utah. The goal is not to ask for favors from the government, but to educate, inform and answer questions for the legislators on the current needs of and issues surrounding fire code and fire departments around the state.

'Every lawmaker knows a fireman and they like 'em,' said Greg Rynders, a retired battalion chief from Sandy and one of the founding members of the luncheon. 'No matter what the call is, we're here to help.'