eBook readers can now rent books from OverDrive - BYU Daily Universe Skip to main content
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eBook readers can now rent books from OverDrive

OverDrive at BYU is a new eBook and audio book library for students and faculty. Over 200 titles are currently available.

The webpage for the new HBLL service OverDrive shows the 200 eBook and audio book titles now available for students and faculty.

The new Harold B. Lee Library service OverDrive allows BYU students and faculty to borrow eBooks — up to three — for the first time this week.

OverDrive is currently being dubbed as the 'next generation of your library's digital collection.'

'The library is always looking for ways to help patrons,' said communications manager of the Harold B. Lee Library Roger Layton.

He said OverDrive is designed to be a simple solution to the needs of BYU students and faculty.

'We have learned that people are looking for an easy-to-use search interface and, more importantly, they want a quick way to load content onto their devices,' Layton said. 'The addition of OverDrive gives our faculty and students access to e-books in an easy-to-use format.'

OverDrive is a very robust, downloadable eBook and audio book collection that was acquired by the library. Rachel Wadham, the individual who is supervising the OverDrive project, shared some specifics about the service.

'You can download the offerings to a variety of personal devices (MP3 players, tablets, computers),' Wadham said. 'Right now we have about 200 items, mostly juvenile, but great new things will be continually added.'

A maximum of the three books may be checked out at one time, and lending times vary by title. Students and faculty may also request that the Harold B. Lee Library add specific content that is currently not available.

Students can start renting eBooks immediately by visiting lib.byu.edu/overdrive and signing in with their BYU Net ID and password.