By Aaron Adams
SALT LAKE CITY -- A Utah legislative committee passed measures that attempt to reduce the amount of strays in animal shelters across the state.
HCR2, an amendment that designated April 18 as Utah's official 'Identify Your Pet Day', passed the House Economic Development and Workforce Services Committee unanimously with little discussion. With the passing of this amendment, each April pet owners will be encouraged to microchip and register their pets. Microchipped pets are much easier to return to the owners, keeping valuable animal shelter space open for animals that are actually homeless.
With animal shelters being crowded with pets and strays, HB57 is designed to set procedures to euthanize animals. The bill also allows for the option to use lethal injection to euthanize animals that would be unnecessarily stressed by the traditional gassing method.
The hope is that animal shelters as well as animal control can receive training and have guidelines in place that will create the most humane and stress-free euthanization possible. HB57 passed with only two opposing votes.
Rep. Angela Romero, D-Salt Lake City, sponsored the bill and amendment. This was her second attempt to pass HB57. Representatives from both Utah Animal Control and the Utah Veterinarian Association were present, speaking on behalf of both the bill and amendment.