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Valentine's Day with a twist of Pokémon - BYU Daily UniverseSkip to main content
With too many choices, BYU students' responses varied. Thirty individuals were surveyed.
A BYU student has decided to give his friends and loved ones something different this year for Valentine's Day — a Pokémon-inspired love song.
''Pokémon Love Song' is something everyone can relate to, single or paired, and I figured that it would be a nice gift to those around me on Valentine's Day,' said pre-music major Zach Collier. 'We all want to be loved, but often we forget that love is gained in giving it.'
Kyle Harrison, a classmate of Collier and the short video's director, wanted to help Collier out as soon as he heard about this opportunity.
'I wanted to do something simple and creative,' Harrison said. 'I think in the educational world we frequently wait to do something awesome until it's assigned.'
The full video of 'Pokémon Love Song' will debut at the Give: Love event at The Awful Waffle, Feb. 12, at 8 p.m. In addition to the video, this event will also be a benefit concert featuring Jefferson & York, Woodward Avenue and Collier.
All the proceeds of the Give: Love event will go toFoundation Escalera, which is 'a non-profit on a mission to send 30,000 kids to school,' according to its website. The foundation primarily focuses on building schools in Mexico. Collier is encouraging individuals to share how they show their love by using #givelove on Twitter in the weeks leading up to the event.