Utah Valley Earth Forum holds three-part workshop - BYU Daily Universe Skip to main content

Utah Valley Earth Forum holds three-part workshop

On October 18, the Utah Valley Earth Forum will introduce the 'Low Carb(on) Diet,' aimed less at food and more on reducing carbon emissions.


Utah Valley Earth is a local, nonprofit environmental organization that is hosting a workshop on Oct. 18.

Lauryn De Grado, of Utah Interfaith Power and Light, will present part one of this three-part workshop, on Oct. 18 at 7 p.m. in room 201 of the Provo Library. The highest safe level of CO2  that can be in the atmosphere is 350 parts per million. Currently, the atmosphere has 390 parts per million. This free public forum will introduce households to a guide for reducing CO2 emissions, including ideas regarding behavioral changes, waste and recycling, water consumption and energy efficiency upgrades.

The 'Low Carbon Diet' workbooks will be free for use to borrow during the workshops and are available for sale for those who wish to keep them. Two follow-up workshops will be held at the home of Carol Walters, 1231 W. Camelot Drive in Provo at 7 p.m. on Nov. 1 and Nov. 15.

More information can be found on Facebook by looking up Utah Valley Earth Forum or accessing theirwebsite.
