The colors on the walls are soft as the sun pierces through the massive windows, the feeling in the room is warm from the sunshine and from the beautiful pictures of service and nurses reaching out to others on the walls. To the left is a mannequin wearing an old blue nurse's uniform welcoming visitors in.
Walking up a flight of stairs in the Education in Zion Gallery will lead you to 'The Healer's Art: A Celebration of the College of Nursing.' This exhibit has been open since last April and will be open for another year.
The exhibit opened the week of the College of Nursing's 60 year anniversary. The launch was highly successful, and people from all over the country came to see and enjoy the temporary exhibit said Marie Bates, the curatorial research assistant.
The Healer's Art: A Celebration of the College of Nursing in the JFSB.'We believe the art of healing reaches out to all people, wherever they might be.' These are the words of former Dean Beth Cole, that are written on the wall of the exhibit, right as you walk in.
'Everyone relates to healing,' Bates said.
The exhibit is filled with stories and different accounts from nursing students. However, anyone can relate to the stories because at some time or another, everyone has needed to be healed either spiritually or physically Bates explained.
Coming to the exhibit and reading the accounts, helps to 'remind you why you're here,' Bates said.
Heather Seferovich, coordinating curator of the exhibition, explained that putting the exhibit together was a big community effort.
Faculty members, such as Cheryl Corbett, helped to make the exhibit possible. Corbett was specifically responsible for gathering information and editing information that was submitted.
Seferovich explained that students studying any discipline can be touched and uplifted by the exhibit. The exhibit gives insight into human nature, and how we can all better see others as children of God, Seferovich described.
Two additional verses to 'Lord I Would Follow Thee' were written especially for the College of Nursing, and can be read and heard in the exhibit.
Seferovich said the exhibit has thought-provoking questions that visitors can ponder and think about to help them understand how they can overcome barriers to help their neighbors. It also has information that appeals to people of all different backgrounds.
'Nurses are able to live in a part of life where they see people who are very vulnerable,' Seferovich said. 'Others get to visit it occasionally, but it's not where we live.'
For this reason, she believes it's important for all students to take advantage of the opportunity they have and visit the exhibit.
The gallery that hosts the exhibit is in the Joseph F. Smith Building and is open from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. on weekdays. It has extended hours on Mondays and Wednesdays. Saturday it is open from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. The game 'Operation' will also be available in the exhibit for students wishing to play.