Couples and Facebook accounts: to combine or not to combine?


With the ability to virtually “friend” anyone in the world on the social networking site, Facebook has produced some challenges for married couples. The New York Times and The Washington Times, writing articles titled, “A double standard,” and, “Facing temptations on Facebook,” provide just a couple examples of the possible dangers Facebook has introduced.

Cherly Wetzstein, journalist for the Washington Times, said,Befriending old flames can snuff a marriage, but logging off is extreme.”

Wetzstein’s article focuses on a New Jersey pastor’s comment to his congregation, urging married couples to stop using Facebook, which Reverand Cedric Miller described as “too many people’s portal to infidelity.”

Although there have been reports of ruined marriages due to social networks, it is obvious that with 66 percent of adults using social networking sites, deleting accounts may be an extreme solution. That leads to the possibility of combining Facebook accounts.

Despite any dangers that may arise from having separate Facebook accounts, Ashley and Douglas Kelly, a married couple attending BYU, do not see the need to combine their accounts.

“That  would be a reason if you don’t trust each other,” said Ashley Kelly, junior theater education major from Fresno, Calif.

Douglas and Ashley Kelly choose to keep separate Facebook accounts after getting married.

Her husband, Douglas Kelly, senior information systems major from Provo, also feels that combining accounts is not necessary.

“Once we started dating, Facebook disappeared,” he said.

The Kellys have separate accounts, do not share passwords and agree that they will likely never combine accounts.

Another married couple also did not combine accounts; however, they do share passwords.

“I feel like it’s almost more of a hassle to share an account,” said Annie Call, junior elementary education major from Springville.

Her husband, Joseph Call, a sophomore from Star Valley, Wyo., majoring in information technology, feels the same way.

“We both know each other’s passwords although we don’t get onto each other’s (accounts),” said Joseph Call.

Annie and Joseph both agree that it would be more convenient to have separate accounts because when someone wants to talk to one of them it would be difficult to tell who is online with a shared account.

“For example, it would be hard to plan a surprise party,” Joseph said.

Facebook may not be a concern in the lives of these married couples; the question of whether or not to combine was a simple one for them. Since Facebook does not have the option to merge two accounts, it becomes more complicated for those who choose to do so. However, for them, it might be an important way of keeping their relationship close.

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