The Covey Center's rendition of the classic thriller 'Wait Until Dark' provides quick dialogue, an intricate storyline, and heavy doses of suspense. Cast members pull you deep into a sinister plot that leaves you holding your breath until the last second.
The show's director, Dave Hanson, a long-time fan of the story, said he was excited to work with such an exciting plot and characters.
'I've always loved the script and the movie since I was a kid,' Hanson said in an email. 'I really think that what has always drawn me to this show is the richness and realism of every character in the story.'
Before the play even begins, as audience members take their seats, they are thrown back in time. The set, filled with authentic 1960s props, helps convince spectators that they have entered a different time period.
According to a News release, the Covey Center's performance was inspired by the show's main prop: an authentic 1960s refrigerator. The white fridge stands out against a colorful background, filled with various pieces of furniture, household items, and other authentic era props. Despite 'Wait Until Dark''s involved plot, the cast's interactions with these simple pieces of 1960s culture allow audiences to follow the storyline more easily.
According to Hanson, many of the props used already belonged to the Covey Center, while others were brought in. Although cast and crew members toyed around with the idea of setting their performance in another time period, they ultimately decided to use the vintage props and stay with the original script.
Before the lights went down, much of the play's audience could be heard eagerly wishing for suspense and chills during the performance.
Christi Coats and Danai Sirrine, both BYU juniors, were two of those audience members.
'I didn't know that a play could be creepy,' Coats said. 'There was really good acting and they did well with such a small cast.'
Sirrine, who had seen the original film version of the story, hoped the stage version would compare.
'I'm impressed, because they did a really good job making it suspenseful, Sirrine said.
'Wait Until Dark' contains just enough comedy to offset the darker moments of the story, making it ideal for students and those looking for a little scare in the theater.
'I think 'Wait Until Dark' offers a fantastic thriller, without relying on gore and mindless effects,' Hanson said in an email. 'It's a seemingly real, intelligent and exciting story that really gets in your head.'
The show's remaining performances will be September 13-15, 17, 20-22 in the Main Hall of the Covey Center. Tickets are $12 and can be purchased at the box office located at 425 W. Center St., online at, or by calling 801.852.7007.