Kevin Collier is an avid BYU sports fan. He cheers at all the sporting events and does whatever he can to support BYU, however he admitted that he has never participated in True Blue.
Collier, a senior from Vancouver, Wash. studying human development, said he has gone to most of the BYU football, soccer and volleyball games, but he has never heard of True Blue Tuesdays.
Every Tuesday during the fall and winter semesters, BYUSA sets up booths in Brigham Square, the JFSB courtyard and the Garden Court from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. and gives prizes to students wearing blue. Although BYU blue is preferred, any shade of blue will work. The booths are staffed by volunteers from BYUSA and different clubs on campus who also have more information about the great opportunities available at BYU.
The True Blue Tuesday tradition started in the Fall of 2010 as a way to promote school spirit.
'It became a bigger thing than the prizes,' said Mallory Brugger, last year's program director. 'It's what we are all about at BYU. We’re proud of our school, we’re proud to be here, so let’s celebrate it. I loved the atmosphere change on campus.'
Brugger said she would love to share the cougar spirit by having students 'paint the campus blue' on Tuesdays.
'I would love for everyone on campus to be wearing blue,' Brugger said. 'I would love it if a visitor came to campus and said, 'What’s happening? What is this?'”
This year's main focus for True Blue Tuesdays is to increase school spirit by getting students involved in different BYU clubs. According to this year's executive director, Zoe Theobald, the booths will be run by leadership from various, perhaps lesser-known clubs on campus, so students can get more information about being involved at BYU.
'It’s really focused on getting students to support BYU, wear blue, represent BYU and be proud of it and to get more students involved in more clubs on campus and be more aware of what BYU provides,' Theobald said.
Participating in True Blue Tuesdays as a student is something bigger than just demonstrating school spirit at BYU; the tradition sprouts roots that extend beyond graduation.
'Having school spirit is important because once we graduate, we’re always going to be known as a graduate of BYU,' Theobald said. 'The more spirit and unity that we have while we’re here, the more we can tell others what BYU is all about.'