Maeser descendents celebrate building's centennial - BYU Daily Universe Skip to main content
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Maeser descendents celebrate building's centennial

One hundred years ago, the Karl G. Maeser building was dedicated and began to be used by faculty and students formally for classroom instruction. The building was built as a memorial to Maeser who served as principle of Brigham Young Academy  for 16 years. During that time he inspired many students, including James E. Talmage, George Albert Smith and J. Golden Kimball.

The descendents of Karl G. Maeser are gathering this Saturday to reminisce, tell stories and mingle with one another in the building named after their ancestor.

Evelyn C. Fannin, a great granddaughter of Maeser, will share stories and a prepared presentation with other descendents beginning at 2 p.m. in the auditorium, after which light refreshments will be served.

'My grandmother was Karl's daughter,' Fannin said. 'I lived with her from the time I was five-years-old and she would tell us all sorts of stories about her father. I just want everyone to know those stories and what a wonderful man he was.'

More festivities honoring the centennial of the Maeser building are planned for this fall. Additionally, the L. Tom Perry Special Collections Library recently opened a special exhibit detailing the construction of the Maeser building.