Often times, charity organizations aim to help specific people in need, via soup kitchens, humanitarian aid kits or donations. One organization, Loving My Neighbor
Brent Argyle, one of the co-founders and chairman of the board, said his son sparked his interest to start the organization by asking a simple question. 'One day I told him what I did for work and he replied, 'Wow Dad, you aren't really changing the world, are you?''
Argyle said that statement made him consider how he could help all the people around him in need.

Mark Warner, the other co-founder, said he hopes people will see the site and think about friends who are in need of help and share those stories with Loving My Neighbor.
'We are also working with other non-profits to help them raise money to help their clients,' Warner said. 'There has not been a non-profit we have come across yet that has said they don't want help raising money.'
Argyle said they are preparing stories for individuals around the country in hopes of getting the word out and encouraging people to donate.
Gary Samson, the director of Loving My Neighbor, said, 'We can make a huge difference in the world if everyone would just donate a dollar.'
The organization is currenlty working on filming and adding the finishing touches to a few stories now. Argyle shared a few:
A man who recently returned from Afghanistan stepped on a mine and lost both arms and legs.
An elderly woman who lives on less than $1,000 month keeps her car held together with chicken wire and bubblegum. She drives other women and herself to a local non-profit to organize clothes and food.
Another lady was diagnosed with cancer on a Saturday, moved into her new house Sunday and it burned down Tuesday.
Loving My Neighbor aims to help all these people meet their needs. The organization's goal isn't just to give the people money, but to give the people something they are really in need of, like scholarship money for their kids, a car or a new place to live.
Argyle said, 'There are so many good people who need help, and we have the means to do it.'