Women's Conference speakers use President Uchtdorf's conference talk to inspire faith - BYU Daily Universe Skip to main content

Women's Conference speakers use President Uchtdorf's conference talk to inspire faith

Last Fall, President Uchtdorf's 'Forget Me Not' address during the 2011 General Relief Society Broadcast became an instant classic among the sisters of the church.

Leslie A. Bonsteel and Joan Creer presented the reminder to 'forget not that Heavenly Father loves you' Thursday in the Wilkinson Center.

Bonsteel said, from her youngest years, she admired stories of those who were able to build strong faith.

One area of faith she believed the adversary challenges in our day and age is the faith to believe the Lord loves us.

Bonsteel said if we aren't sure of the Lord's love for us, 'the first, most direct approach is to ask.'


'Sometimes, despite the fact that the Lord wants to extend this kind of gift and this kind of strength to us — we forget to ask,' she said.

According to Bonsteel, this becomes one of the adversary's greatest tools against us.

'Satan is going to try his very best to distract you from this truth,' she said. 'He is going to try and convince you that experiences like the ones Nephi had are reserved for special people.'

Despite the adversary's efforts against us, Bonsteel shared an experience from her own life to illustrate we are never forgotten by the Lord.

She said by asking for expressions of His love, and then experiencing that love, we can gain a strong witness to protect us against the discouragement the adversary will put in our way. By recording and sharing these expressions, Bonsteel said these experiences stay with us longer, and become easier to recall.

Following Bonsteel, Joan Creer shared her perspective on the Lord's love for us.

'To remember important things is one of the most difficult things we do,' she said.

One of the tools we can use to remember this love is faith. She illustrated this principle by sharing an experience from the life of her co-presenter, Sister Bonsteel. After losing a brother and both parents in separate, and tragic accidents, she had to exercise faith to remember the Lord's love for her and to remember her true identity.

Creer also said the Lord's love for us can also be manifest through the actions of those around us. In a time when Creer's daughter had been experiencing anxiety and depression, a close friend noticed her pain and took initiative to ask her to go walking daily with her. By feeling the compassion of her friend, Creer's daughter was able to feel the Lord's love for her.

Creer finished by sharing an adage that hangs over her desk: 'Everything will be okay in the end. If it's not okay, it's not the end.'