BYU students gear up for April Fool's Day - BYU Daily Universe Skip to main content

BYU students gear up for April Fool's Day

Some students were raised to celebrate

John Hickey, a junior majoring in chemical engineering, from Mapleton, said he gained his love of holidays from his mom, who loves to celebrate occasions, especially April Fools' Day.

' Jello in our cups that look like drinks, dirt for dessert with gummy worms, blindfolds us and has us eat brains (spaghetti),  tapes our forks to the table, puts things in our shoes, plastic wrap in doorways,  have dinner for breakfast.'


Hickey tries not to remind people about the holiday, so he can play simple pranks on his friends.

'I look forward to it, but don't let others look forward to it, that is the trick. It's like a secret holiday,' he said.

Some students were born to prank

Julia Knecht, a senior majoring in information systems, from Mission Viejo, Calif., said she enjoys coming up with ideas for pranks.

”My co-workers and I prank each other, not just for April Fools' Day, but on a fairly regular basis,” Knecht said.

Knecht said she has fond memories of wrapping everything on her co-worker's desk in foil and playing similar pranks.

“One of my co-workers got free doll heads on KSL and gradually filled my cubicle with them throughout the week,' she said. 'By the end of the week there were 527 doll heads in my cubicle. It was hilarious. Pictures and videos were on the Internet within minutes.”

Knecht's favorite April Fools' Day prank was last year when her friend and his girlfriend faked their engagement on Facebook weeks before the holiday.

“ had everyone get together for an engagement party on April 1,' Knecht said. 'It worked because last year, April Fools' Day was on a Friday, which is totally appropriate for a party, and it's right before finals, so they said they didn't want to have it when people were trying to study for things . . . but they went along with it and made everyone dinner and had this big party and then at the end, announced it was a joke.'

Knecht suggests if students are looking for good April Fools' Day prank ideas, that they should look for free items on KSL and put them in their roommates' bedrooms.

Others live in fear of the tricks that come their way

While some students thrive on the pranks, other students on campus are scared of all the tricks.

Cooper Howell, a junior majoring in theater performance, from Santa Monica, Calif., said he feels no one is safe from embarrassment on April Fools' Day, which is why he tries to be wary of people.

'My traditions usually consist of trying not to take anything anyone says seriously, especially big news,' Howell said, claiming he lives in constant fear for a full 24 hours because of the large amount of potential pranks and jokes.

“There are so many of them,' Howell said. 'The glitter on the fan trick. The cellophane over the toilet bowl, honey in the shampoo, blue food coloring in the shower head . . . all of which have happened to me.”

Howell said he hates being pranked and so he has made one firm decision.

“I am going to boycott April Fools' Day... until I have children,' he said. 'All of my experiences on April Fools' Day are pretty scarring.'