Congratulations to all the 2011-12 BYU athletic teams. It has been an exciting year. From the minute that I saw this year’s sport’s slogan — “Rise up!” — I have been filled with appreciation for the athletic program’s usage of a hymn — “Rise up o’ men of God” — to excite BYU fans everywhere. I hope the female athletes did not feel excluded from the theme, though I do think “Rise up o’ women of God” is also applicable.
Looking to next season, I hope the BYU athletic program continues this tradition of using hymns for slogans. Perhaps they could have a competition and let Cougar fans across the globe submit their ideas for hymn slogans. I have thought up some of my own. Maybe they would consider some of these: “Come, Come ye Cougars,” “Be Thou Humbled,” or “Did You Think to Win?” Maybe since they used a men’s hymn this year they can use a women’s one next year, like “As Sisters in Provo We’ll All Play Together.” I am sure others could think up even better hymn slogans. Here’s to next year. I can’t wait.
Fruit Heights