BYUSA candidates: Robert and McKay - BYU Daily Universe Skip to main content
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BYUSA candidates: Robert and McKay

When Robert Carroll and McKay Potter met as freshmen they had no idea that in just a few years they would be running for the BYUSA presidency together. Now as candidates they share a vision of the good they can do in BYUSA.

'I don't think either of us would have imagined that we'd be running together,' Carroll said. 'But, we decided that we were a good fit and that we could do a lot of good things for the student body.'

Carroll is a junior from Phoenix and is studying business management. Potter is a sophomore from Darien, Conn., and is studying finance. Potter said the two recognize they have different friends and different views, but they work well together.

'We share that same ambition and same drive to see BYU succeed,' Potter said.

Carroll agreed with Potter and said they are committed to helping make students' experiences at BYU memorable.

'We want students to really own their BYU experience, and feel a part of something bigger,' Carroll said. 'Not only come here to study but come here to have a vibrant four years of college and make it something memorable.'

Both have been involved with BYUSA since their freshman year. Between the two they have served on the student advisory council, helped with projects like the redefine service campaign, and served as event leader planning events like the recent Matt Costa concert.

Both have had leadership experience to prepare them for the tasks in the BYUSA presidency. They both currently serve in high leadership positions within the Marriott Undergraduate Student Association and had leadership positions with different clubs on campus.

They said their opportunities within BYUSA have provided balance for their time in college, and this is something they want more students to experience.

'I really feel that since being a part of BYUSA, it has rounded out my college experience,' Potter said. 'I think every student needs to find that kind of rounding out experience, no matter what your interests are.'

They have selected three presidential initiatives they would focus on if elected to the BYUSA presidency.

1. Your Choice: Student-driven BYU Events

This initiative will seek to increase the number of student-choice activities and expand leadership opportunities within BYUSA.

'BYUSA serves two functions: to serve students in all social groups and also to develop Christ-like leaders,' Carroll said. 'We want to make sure BYUSA is letting as many students do that as possible.'

2. Your Voice: Student Ideas Heard

This will invite students to share their concerns in an open forum with the Student Advisory Council twice per month.

'We certainly recognize that not every idea that students present is within the realm of BYUSA and what we can actually accomplish, but we want to make sure that voices are heard,' Potter said.

3.Your Campus: “The World is Our Campus'

This initiative will seek to foster a global campus by connecting students from different backgrounds. They said they want to help provide more resources to special interest and international clubs in order to make them more vibrant and active clubs.

Carroll said as common students, they feel they are able to straddle both worlds and can connect more with what students really want at BYU and with BYUSA.

'At this point we don't feel limited going into BYUSA,' Carroll said. 'We feel like anything's possible. Last year was a great administration, and we feel like we can continue to build off that and use our unique experiences to make it something better.'