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Archive (2006-2007)

Students Thrift Store Savvy

By Megan Carleton

After the holidays, wallets seemed thinner than ever and crowds less dense for shoppers.

Students, however, could still find the comfort in the opportunities afforded by the local thrift store for a quick and cheap fix to the wardrobe no matter the event.

'I like thrift shopping because you can find really good, cheap clothes,' said Katie Moreno, a freshman from Wake Forest, N.C. 'I don''t see the point in paying $20 for a shirt that you can find at a thrift store for $1.'

Thrift timid shoppers not yet familiar with the second-hand scene may worry about the quality; however, Tracey Hess, a junior studying exercise science, said stores like Plato''s Closet are a good place to find deals.

'I found that Plato''s Closet has some great clothes in good condition from name brand stores for a fraction of the price,' she said. 'It''s set up more like a regular store, and it''s easier to find things.'

In addition to the price break, thrift stores like Savers or Deseret Industries provide the benefit of a renewed original; something not from a rack everyone else can have a grab at.

'I go for the novelty T-shirts,' said Justin Pulley, a sophomore studying media arts.

When it comes to the Halloween season or even just for a themed party, such as the cocktail parties sometimes thrown by students, Pulley said it was another reason he stopped by local thrift shops where materials for costumes flourished.

The benefit was not lost on Hess either.

'We were dressing as ''80s chicks and found tons of great stuff,' she said. 'We couldn''t have found clothes like that for that price anywhere else.'

Whether or not students chose to check out the consignment clothing stores regularly for the price value, thrift clothes prove to have another opportunity.

Shopping at one of Provo''s second-hand shops turned out to be a source of entertainment for students.

'It''s fun seeing clothes that people actually wore or actually made,' said Joanna Scoresby, a senior majoring in history. 'It''s just so hideous sometimes, those horrible styles from the ''80s or ''90s that will always be there.'

For trips to the stores with a few companions, a student could hope both to catch a deal or find amusement in a mausoleum of the fashions meant to die out.

'Sometimes it''s just fun going with your friends digging around.' Hess said.

(For comments, e-mail Megan Carleton at