Church Aid Reaching Victims in Southern Asia - BYU Daily Universe Skip to main content
Archive (2004-2005)

Church Aid Reaching Victims in Southern Asia

(LDS Church PR release)

SALT LAKE CITY ? The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is calling on its worldwide membership as well as its global humanitarian resources in order to channel aid to areas critically affected by the southern Asian tsunamis.

In developments today:

* The Church?s governing body ? the three-man First Presidency of the Church ? called upon Mormon congregations worldwide to be ?most generous? in their monthly donations for the poor and needy this coming weekend. Such donations are typically made once each month as Church members forego two successive meals and donate the cost to their local Church leaders.

'In the present circumstances, we urge our people to remember in their prayers those in the devastated areas and to contribute most generously in fast offerings, which will make it possible for the Church to increase its aid to those whose suffering is so great,' a First Presidency statement said.


* Purchased medical supplies which are being distributed by government relief agencies

* Providing food and volunteers for community kitchens in Medan

* Responded to government request by providing body bags

* Members are assembling hygiene kits, in partnership with Muslim organizations. A kit consists of two soaps, two hand towels, toothpaste, four tooth brushes, and two combs

* Church Welfare Services representatives are scheduled to meet with the First Lady and cabinet ministers to assess additional needs

* Working closely with the Ministry of People?s Welfare


* Missionaries are volunteering at the tourist information center in Bangkok, providing translation services to assist in locating missing persons

* Responded to government request by providing body bags

* Providing food and water for distribution by local relief agencies

* Church members and missionaries are assembling and distributing hygiene kits and family kitchen sets-cookware for a small family

* A cash contribution has been made to a national relief fund raising campaign


* Church members have assembled hygiene kits and family kitchen sets which are being distributed by the India Red Cross Society in the affected area

* The Church has purchased basic food items which are being distributed by the India Red Cross Society in the affected area

Sri Lanka

* Provided grain for government distribution

* Church Welfare Services representatives are scheduled to meet with the Prime Minister and other key government officials to assess additional needs

Hong Kong

* Church members will assemble 30,000 hygiene kits for Sri Lanka