By Shannon Young
An artifact was reported stolen on Dec. 1 from the Museum of Peoples and Cultures. It was an antique military sword valued at $500.
A Specialized Stump Jumper bike with shocks was stolen from a male student on Nov. 30. The victim parked his bike on the South West side of the Wilkinson Student Center at the bike racks before it was taken. Its value is $200.
A Royce Union brand bike was stolen from the Penrose bike rack at Heritage Halls between Nov. 15 and 17. The value of the bike is $100.
A 23-year-old man had a leather briefcase stolen on Nov. 26. It contained two books, a personal day planner and a Texas Instrument calculator. The visitor left the book bag next to the couch in the Wilkinson Student Center memorial lounge while he made a phone call. When he returned, it was gone. The total value of the stolen items is $320.
An 18-year-old student had his L.L. Bean backpack stolen from the Morris Center at Deseret Towers. The student left his backpack in the storage cubicles while he ate lunch in the cafeteria. It was gone when he returned. The incident was reported on Nov. 23. The backpack is worth $60. It contained a textbook worth $65 and a Texas Instrument calculator worth $100.
A male staff member, 21, had his Eastpack brand backpack worth $30, stolen from the Richard?s Building locker room. The backpack contained a leather wallet worth $2, and miscellaneous cards including his driver?s license and Social Security card. He put his backpack in a locker in the men?s locker room, but did not lock it.
A victim?s vehicle tire was flattened (the sidewall on the tire had apparently been slit with a knife) and split in Lot 32 of the Cluff Building on Nov. 30. The damage was estimated at $70 to repair.
An individual drew human figures on the sidewalk between the Morris Center and Deseret Towers on Nov. 23. Each figure had a name of a student living in DT. When a University Police officer responded to the call, he said it was more of a prank than a threat.
Individuals threw eggs down on cars from the East overpass north of campus drive on Nov. 22 at 11:30 p.m.
Six women?s bathrooms were vandalized between Nov. 22 and 23 at Chipman Hall. Feminine products and money were taken. Thirty dollars in cash was taken and there was $90 in damage to the locks.
A student approached a 26-year-old visitor on Nov. 30 at noon because the individual was smoking inside the Wilkinson Center Terrace. When the 24-year-old student approached the man, he told him that smoking was not allowed in the building. The smoker didn?t appreciate being rebuked. He blew smoke in the student?s face and spit on his cigarette. Then he took a swing at the student and missed when the student ducked. The suspect later kicked the student in the shins. The student and another person held the suspect until University Police arrived. The victim is not pursuing charges.
A student living in Desert Towers has been receiving harassing notes that were posted on the walls in her hall and ward building. The incident was reported on Nov. 30. The notes were malicious in nature and an attack on her personality and circumstances. The notes have since stopped.
A female visitor, 33, may be banned from campus because she was reported for urinating on the bathroom floor on Nov. 29. She has done this several times prior to this incident. University Police have received complaints from custodial workers.
University Police officers responded to a call in the Wilkinson Student Center and found a 23-year-old visitor with her hands in her pockets. The officers asked her to remove her hands from her pockets and asked if she had any weapons. She pulled out three plastic knives. Prior to this incident, she was seeking medical attention for a previous condition and was refused. She checked herself into a hospital and did not receive a positive response. So she decided to harm herself. She indicated she needed medical help and the officers accommodated her.
A female student stole several DVDs and a Teddy bear on Dec. 2 from the BYU Bookstore. She did not have any money in her purse to pay for them. The total value was $85.
A male juvenile stole a 512-megabyte Cruzer mini jump drive on Nov. 20. The jump drive was worth $60. The suspect was cited and released.
A 19-year-old male student stole a chocolate candy bar valued at $1.49 and Jelly Belly candy at $2.79 on Nov. 19.