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Archive (2004-2005)

Best Buddies chooses Playmate Mansion to host charity, fund-raising event

By Melanie Wiser

When Chanell Sessions agreed to serve as the vice president for her local chapter of Best Buddies, she never imagined she''d be invited to the Playboy Mansion in Hollywood.

Sessions, who recently graduated from high school and will attend BYU in the Fall, received an invitation, in the shape of a Playboy rabbit head, to attend a fundraiser at the Playboy Mansion.

One of the noted highlights was that major donators would receive an exclusive tour of the grounds by a playmate.

'It was the lowest of low,' Sessions said.

Sessions, along with others, expressed their disappointment to the local office of Best Buddies.

'I just think you have to stand up for what you believe in,' Sessions said. 'Who cares what other people think as long as you do what you think is right?'

Sessions received a letter from Best Buddies, explaining that they did not intend for her to receive an invitation.

'We regret very much any disappointment experienced by Ms. Sessions,' said Alexander Dessauer, Best Buddies spokesperson.

With thousands of volunteers from all age groups and over 7,500 invitations sent out, a small group of high school students received invitations. The invitations were only meant to go out to adults, as they are generally those financially capable of donating money.

'Each opinion counts, but it is important to put everything in perspective,' Dessauer said.

Dessauer said the venue was chosen because of its size and capability to house over 500 people for a sit-down dinner.

'Our options were limited,' Deassauer said. 'Other charitable organizations have used the Playboy Mansion and it worked well.'

This was the first year the fundraiser had been held at that venue. In the past it was held at private homes, but this year that was not possible.

Ronald Rotter has helped with Best Buddies for the last eight years.

His son, Daniel, suffers from Asperger syndrome, a mild form of autism, and although he was able to graduate from college it was only through the help of Best Buddies that he was able to find a job.

'Best Buddies has been very helpful in finding employment,' Rotter said. 'They have continued to do job training and have monitored his progress. They have been very helpful.'

He said the event focused on the opportunities for people with disabilities. Several people gave personal testimony about the effect that Best Buddies has had on their life.

'It was a very warm, very inspiring event,' Rotter said.

Media caught hold of Sessions story however, and she soon was on the front page of the Orange County Register, as well as on several television news broadcasts.

'I didn''t know it would go this far,' Sessions said. 'The more people don''t say anything, the more it''s accepted. I don''t think you can let that happen.'

This past year, Sessions worked with a mentally and physically impaired 19-year-old-girl.

Although Sessions disagrees with Best Buddies'' decision to host an event at the Playboy Mansion, she said her experience with them was immensely rewarding.