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Archive (2002-2003)

Students say malls, e-shopping best deals

By Elizabeth McIff

Web shopping provides deals and convenience, but many students still believe malls are a better choice for the holiday season.

'It wasn''t until this year that I started shopping on the Internet,' said Daniel Scott, 23, a junior from Provo, majoring in art history. 'So far, I have done all my Christmas shopping online because it is just so easy.'

While many believed for a while that online shopping was declining, owner and BYU student Adam Wilkinson, 23, a junior from Spanish Fork, majoring in business management, said that is no longer the case.

'The Internet business is not going to go away,' Wilkinson said. 'There are services and products like Simple Rebates that are ideal for the Internet and make it cheaper and easier to shop.'

Wilkinson said he is anticipating the Christmas business with extra cash back specials. It is the Christmas deals that give shoppers even more of an incentive to shop online.

'Shopping online is great because you can browse and compare prices all from the same location,' said Bobby Fields, 23, a junior from Pittsburgh, Kan., majoring in the biological sciences. 'I hate malls so the Internet makes my Christmas shopping so much easier.'

Jennifer Miller, 21, a senior from Provo, majoring in information systems said she agrees with Fields that the mall during Christmas is not her favorite place.

'I tend to get irritated at the malls with all the crowds so when I can, I shop online,' Miller said. 'I always shop online when I know what it is I want, but if I need to browse for a gift I have no choice but to go to the mall.'

The Internet is not the ideal form of shopping for all students.

'Shopping online takes away all the fun of the season,' said Alycia Dukes, 20, a junior from Santa Barbara, Calif., majoring in speech pathology. 'The crowds, the madness, the thrill of the hunt, it just gives me chills thinking about what a great season this is. I would never give that up for a deal online.'

The fear of security is another reason students avoid Internet shopping.

'I am afraid to put my credit card number online,' said Amanda Hodson, 21, a senior from Hope Ranch, Calif., majoring in humanities. 'It is just not worth it too me, I would rather watch the salesperson take my money.'

Whether online or in the malls, students will spend much of their time and money this holiday season finding the perfect gift.

For students who do shop online, popular discount sites include,,,, and