President Hinckley concludes conference with sermon of Christ - BYU Daily Universe Skip to main content
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President Hinckley concludes conference with sermon of Christ

The main message of President Gordon B. Hinckley's closing address was clear: We believe in Christ.

He said members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints are often accused of not worshipping Jesus Christ, or have an altered view of him.

'As a church we have critics ... they say we do not believe in the traditional Christ of Christianity,' President Hinckley said. He also said there is some substance to the claims. 'Our faith, our knowledge is not based on ancient traditions ... our faith, our knowledge comes of the witness of a prophet in this dispensation who saw before him the great God of the Universe and His Beloved Son, the resurrected Lord Jesus Christ.'

President Hinckley bore firm testimony of the Savior and of the prophet Joseph Smith.

'Our faith, our knowledge comes from the witness of a prophet in this dispensation who saw ... God ... and ...Jesus Christ. He testified openly, unequivocally and unabashedly of that great vision,' he said.

President Hinckley recalled scriptural references, 2 Nephi 25:26, and encouraged members to follow the example given: talk, rejoice, preach, and prophesy of Christ.

Repeating again his personal, as well as churchwide belief, President Hinckley repeated his 'firm and enduring' testimony saying, 'I know that God, our Eternal Father, lives. He is the great God of the Universe. He is the Father of our spirits with whom we may speak in prayer.'

President Hinckley clearly stated belief in the Godhead. 'I know that (the members of the Godhead) are individual beings, separate and distinct one from another, and yet alike in form and substance and purpose.'

He closed by bearing testimony yet again of the prophet Joseph Smith.

On a more personal note, President Hinckley then added, 'God be with you 'til we meet again.'