LDS Temples in Palmyra, Reno and Bolivia to be dedicated in April - BYU Daily Universe Skip to main content
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LDS Temples in Palmyra, Reno and Bolivia to be dedicated in April


In a land known for its ancient Incan temples, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is preparing to open a new temple reflecting an ancient culture.

The Cochabamba Bolivia Temple, scheduled for dedication April 30, combines a typical LDS temple floor plan with an exterior design that echoes Incan architecture.

Located on a hillside, several flights of steps culminate in the stepped design of the temple, creating an impression reminiscent of the terraced style of ancient Incan cities in Bolivia and Peru.

The 33,000 square foot temple, built to serve 80,000 LDS Church members in 21 stakes, underscores the progress of the LDS Church in a region also known for its soaring plateaus, sky-high lakes and intense poverty.

In addition to the Bolivia temple, the LDS Church also announced the dedication date for the Reno Nevada Temple, scheduled for April 23.

The most recent announcements continue the spring blizzard of temple openings. Eight new temples have already opened this year, and another 12 are scheduled before the end of May.

When the temples now scheduled are opened, the LDS Church will have 88 temples in operation, only 12 shy of the goal of 100 temples in operation in 2000, as stated by LDS Church President Gordon B. Hinckley at the October 1998 General Conference.

About 8,000 people attended the most recent dedication, held March 19 in Louisville, Ky.

The next dedication is scheduled for April 6 in Palmyra, New York.

The Palmyra dedication, scheduled to coincide with the 170th anniversary of the LDS Church, will be broadcast to LDS Church stake centers across North America, creating the largest temple dedication audience in history.

Three temples in the South Pacific, including temples in Adelaide and Melbourne, Australia and Suva, Fiji will be dedicated in May, LDS Church representative Kim Farah said.

Two more temples in Mexico will be dedicated, also in May, in the cities of Tampico and Villahermosa, Tabasco.

In addition, Tennessee will receive its first and second temples this spring, with dedications in Memphis April 23 and Nashville May 21, Farah said.

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