Saints in Fresno get new temple, First Presidency says - BYU Daily Universe Skip to main content
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Saints in Fresno get new temple, First Presidency says


On Sunday LDS Church leaders in the Fresno, Calif., area read a letter from the First Presidency to local members announcing the construction of an LDS temple to be built in Fresno.

The new temple will be built on church property adjacent to the Fresno West Stake Center, said President James Maxwell of the Fresno West Stake.

The Fresno Temple will follow the eight-month standard building time for small temples, said Dan Rascon of LDS public affairs. This temple will be around 10,000 square feet, Rascon said.

Ground-breaking is scheduled for next month and scheduled completion is in October, Maxwell said.

Because it is a small temple, the members will be expected to run and operate it and own their own temple clothing, said Jerry Callister, president of the Merced Stake.

The surrounding stake presidents have pursued the construction of a Fresno Temple since the building of small temples was announced by LDS Church President Gordon B. Hinckley in October 1997, Callister said. President Maxwell spearheaded the group, Callister said.

The LDS Church members in the area have been traveling as long as four hours to attend the Oakland Temple, Callister said.

Although the district for the temple has not been assigned, the longest traveling time for surrounding members will now be down to one hour, Callister said.

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has 54 operating temples, 20 temples under construction, and has officially announced 24 other temples.