The Salt Lake Organizing Committe received some good news Tuesday regarding the Podium 2000 program.
The SLOC will be receiving $3.5 million from the U.S. Olympic Committee for venue and equipment enhancements at the Oquirrh Park Oval, Utah Winter Sports Park and Soldier Hollow.
'The Podium 2002 program is an $18 million USOC program designed to support athletic success at the 2002 Olympic Winter Games in Salt Lake City by funding hopefuls, sport national governing bodies and the organizing committee,' said G. Frank Joklik, SLOC President and CEO.
'This program is an example of the partnership that exists between the Organizing Committee and the USOC,' Joklik said. 'This funding will help in the enhancements of these three facilities, allow more access for athletes in training prior the Games and will leave a stronger legacy for the communities when the Games are over.'
'This is a once-in-a-lifetime chance to do something for our Olympic hopefuls as they prepare for the 2002 Winter Games,' said USOC Executive Director Dick Shcultz. 'In addition, it will leave a legacy for American youth and the citizens of Utah.'
Frank Zang, director of media relations for SLOC, said the SLOC received its first grant of $85,000 for the USOC on Nov. 19 for design elements of the second ice sheet.
'In addition to the initial grants in November, there will be a total of four payments to the SLOC from the USOC in 1999 and 2000,' Zang said.
'We hope our contribution as well as the huge efforts of the SLOC will help bring young athletes to Utah for many years to come,' Shultz said.
'These enhancements benefit everyone from athletes currently aiming for the 2002 Games to future generations of skaters, lugers, bobsledders and skiers,' said Cathy Priestner Allinger, SLOC Managing Director of Sports. 'This is a great opportunity with the USOC to improve the venues at the development stage.'