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Archive (1998-1999)

Dating opportunities abound at Christmas time


Tis the season to be dating.

Christmas isn't just the season of brotherly love at BYU. Students said it's also the season of romantic opportunity and fun dating ideas.

Scott Bedke, 22, a junior from Sandy majoring in information systems, said although Christmas isn't financially the best time for dating, it does provide unique opportunities.

'There are always performances like the Nutcracker and other stuff to go see and do at Christmas,' Bedke said.

Jennifer Bentley, 19, a sophomore from Tucson, Ariz., majoring in health promotions, said Christmastime is conducive to the dating atmosphere.

'Christmas is a good time for dating because everyone is so happy that no one will turn you down,' Bentley said. 'And since it's cold outside, you can snuggle.'

Students also shared their opinions about what the 'ideal' Christmas date should be.

Jake Sorensen, 21, a sophomore from Oakland, Calif., majoring in computer science, said he would like to make his date a green, red and white dinner and then go play in the snow.

Leslie McKune, 21, a senior from Pittsburg, Calif., majoring in social work, said she would like going to a Christmas choir concert, and then to Temple Square to look at the lights, followed by a mug of hot chocolate.

'I think it would be meaningful because you can go there and see the true symbols of Christmas,' McKune said.

Bedke's ideal Christmas date was even more detailed. He said he would like to eat dinner at The Old Spaghetti Factory in Salt Lake, go for a carriage ride while singing Christmas carols, and then come home and have some egg nog or hot chocolate while watching 'The Muppet Christmas Carol.'

'If the girl doesn't like me, at least she'll like the food, the scenery and entertainment,' Bedke said.

Some students' ideal Christmas dates were more like all-day undertakings. Cristy Fathers, 21, a senior from Sandy majoring in English, said her ideal Christmas date includes eating out, shopping, ice skating, looking at Christmas lights, drinking hot chocolate and watching 'How the Grinch Stole Christmas.'

'After the movie, strategically place yourself under, or away from, the mistletoe hanging in the doorway, depending on how much you like your date,' Fathers said.

Fathers also offered advice for girls who want to avoid a Christmas smooch when saying goodbye.

'If you really don't like him, make sure you have a candy cane sticking out of your mouth when you say goodnight,' Father said.

But if you don't like the ideas offered by these students, try some of the following:


- Go shopping for a less fortunate family. Wrap and deliver the presents yourelf.

- Go to a rest home and hang up Christmas decorations in the residents' rooms

-Shovel the driveway of an elderly couple or person together.

-Go to Primary Children's Hospital and read Christmas stories to children.


- Make a snowman and snow angels, followed by a snowball fight (but not on BYU's campus, at your apartment complex or within city limits, of course).

- Go skiing, sledding or tobaggoning.

- Go ice skating or watch a hockey game.

- Make an igloo or snow fort.


- Make gingerbread men or a gingerbread house.

- Make Christmas tree ornaments.

- Drive around and look at Christmas lights on houses.

- See a Christmas play or concert.

- Go caroling in a big group.

- Make Christmas cookies and take them to the cookieless.

*Note: All Christmas dates should involve a steaming mug of hot chocolate with a dob of whipped cream on top. Happy Holidays!