Letter to the Editor: Day off limits Christmas break - BYU Daily Universe Skip to main content
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Letter to the Editor: Day off limits Christmas break

Dear Editor:

The Wednesday that has been given is a much appreciated break -- and for those who are able to travel home, a great blessing. However, many of the students on campus are not able to travel home for many reasons like time, distance and money. It is impossible for me to get home for all three of those reasons.

So, as published in Wednesday's edition of The Daily Universe, Ron Bybee is quoted as saying 'students lose one day of Christmas vacation' for the day that we are getting for Thanksgiving. As that may be all good and well for those who travel home for Thanksgiving, for those of us that can't, it is just one day less at Christmas that we get to spend with our family and friends at home.

Wasn't there another compromise the administration could have made, like adding an extra day into the semester? Hopefully, next year they'll be able to find a better solution to the problem that won't take away from people being with their families over Christmas.

Kristen Ahrens

Doylestown, Pa.